Pancake Mania II

About a year ago I posted a photo of a banner that was up at my long lost, second cousin Ron Hubbs’ maple syrup operation at Wellington Ontario.  This weekend we went back for the annual pancake extravaganza and the banner that spells his own surname incorrectly was up again!  …

A Tale of Two Storytellers

Recently I had the experience of hearing a news story on one radio station, and then immediately hearing it on another.  This isn’t such a rare thing except the story was told so differently by the two anchors that it was like a slap in the ears with a velvet glove.  …

Pavlov’s Radio Host

It happens every day around 11 am.  One of the restaurants in the building downstairs from 1039fm fires up the grill and like the dinging of a bell, the drool-inducing smells of searing meat start wafting up through the ventilation system. …