
Legal Eagles

My earliest memory of my answer to the question, What do you want to be when you grow up?, was A lawyer.  Then I found out how long I’d have to be in school and decided to explore a plan b or c for my life’s work.  I was always eager to get out of school and start doing whatever it was I was going to do.  …

Reality Check

This afternoon I’m talking to first year students in the Broadcast Journalism course at Fanshawe College.  It’s an unusual time in our industry and it will be fascinating for me to assess how much they’re plugged into what’s going on.   …

Lucky Me

I dropped into 680 News yesterday, a planned brief visit, the first one since I left its employ two and a half months ago. …

RIP Ted Rogers

Rogers CEO Ted died this morning at home, surrounded by his loved ones.  He was 75.  He was also a visionary, a risk taker, a mogul, a workaholic, a family man, a decent guy and a billionaire. …