A Sensible Handbag

9 times out of 10 the ads that come up on my facebook page have to do with dieting.  “Try Oprah’s diet”  “Lose weight the Rachel Ray way” “Learn the diet secrets of the stars”  I don’t click on them because I already know the secret to dieting – take in fewer calories than you burn. DUH.  …

Props to my Peeps

Everybody who’s ever analyzed a BBM (Bureau of Broadcast Measurement) ratings release knows you can manipulate the numbers six ways to Sunday and make your station look like a leader in a category.  …

Branching Out

For many years I’ve enjoyed mentoring young broadcasters; those who want to be in the business and those who already are.  A lot of veterans my age have no time for the next generation but it seems to me that they’re now expected to come out of school major-market ready and they’re eager and in need of some direction. With PD’s and ND’s piloting more than one station, and entire networks, they don’t have enough time to really work with those who need it the most. Even those who have been in the business for some time can use a bit of objective analysis and course correction. This is where I come in.  …

Home Improvement

You may be aware that I write a bi-weekly column for the Toronto Sun called House Proud.  It runs in the New Homes and Condos section and it’s about anything and everything to do with owning a home.  It’s also one of my favourite freelance jobs because I’m all about a comfortable home – not showy or even necessarily with the latest and greatest things.  But an oasis and a nest that reflects the people who live in it.  …

House Proud – Winter Prep

During a torrential rainstorm, I ventured outside to investigate the cause of our overflowing rain gutter. I discovered that a very small but mighty tree had sprouted up and was creating a blockage that sent a waterfall over the side of the house, where it was making a small lake on the lawn.  …

Sweet and Sour

Maybe it’s time we just tossed away all of this artificial crap we’re eating and if we need to satisfy a sweet tooth, we eat something sweet, containing good old fashioned sugar.  Because trying to get around the realities of nature sometimes just isn’t worth it. …

Return to the Snowbelt

In the winter of 1983-84, I moved from Prince George BC to London ON.  I drove a VW Rabbit diesel with Puff the lizard in a carrier beside me.  It was an unconventional trip to be sure. I vividly recall being threatened with bodily harm after stopping at a small town bar in search of a coffee near last call on a Saturday night.  Apparently firing up the coffeemaker was holding up the beer pouring and time was running out, making some thirsty locals very unhappy. …

Review: Here’s The Story by Maureen McCormick

Like millions of other children of the 1970’s, I loved the Brady Bunch.  My brother and I had our biggest fights over the TV when Brady reruns were pitted against repeats of Star Trek.  So my Mom made us trade afternoons.  Therefore I am as well acquainted with tribbles as I am with Tiger.  Captain Kirk may have commanded some of my attention but Greg Brady had my heart. …

It’s A Guy Thing

Added to my list for a trip to Home Depot was a “piano hinge”.  No problem.  I know what a hinge is so a piano hinge must not be hard to find.  Right? It shouldn’t be, since that what every guy calls it.  But it’s some sort of underground conspiracy that I’ve unwittingly tapped into.  Read on. …