Young Readers Beware

The Tale of Despereaux is coming to movie theatres and plenty of kids already know the story of the triumphant mouse.  I, however, did not.  And the beginning of the book absolutely slayed me with its inappropriateness for its target age group, 8 to 12 years old.  …

Throwing Away The Kids

Years ago, Lance Secretan was a guest on my CHML talk show.  We hit it off to the degree that we discussed producing a radio show together.  Lance is an author and corporate ethics and excellence advisor.  But when it came to crunch time, he was simply too busy for a little radio program.  …

Totally Floored

The kitchen refacing project is almost finished.  I’ve posted a couple photos I took yesterday under my Home Stuff gallery.  Today, the flooring goes down.  It’s the end of an unusual adventure to try to find the perfect stuff for underfoot. …

Shopaholics Anonymous

I recently confessed that I used to be able to spend an entire day in a mall, shopping for sport.  A couple of girlfriends and I would start out early, load up as we saw fit, break for lunch and then with elbows pointed out for safety, get back at it.  Sometimes we’d have to rent a locker to stuff in our stuff before we went and bought more stuff.  We never, ever made runs to the car to put our stuff in unless we were leaving.  With drivers circling the mall, especially around the holidays, opening your trunk, filling it up and then not leaving is a shopper’s no-no.  We were kind to our fellow hunters by not misleading them that our prime spot was opening up.  …

House Proud – Green Gone Wrong, Toronto Sun

Before “green” became the watchword to signify environmental friendliness it was simply a colour. Kermit the Frog crooned, “It’s not easy being green,” and if the famous Muppet had ever wound his spindly fingers around a paintbrush, he would have experienced the true brilliance of his song. In my completely unscientific and purely anecdotal experience, there have been more troubles with painting greens than any other hue. …

Love Lives On

One of my rear car seats has been in the down position since I moved more than a month ago.  I failed to remove the headrest before pushing the backrest forward and down and the seat became jammed too tightly for my wimpy little self to be able to pull it back upright.  So I asked the guy at Mr. Lube to do it for me while my oil was being changed.  He cheerfully complied. …

RIP Ted Rogers

Rogers CEO Ted died this morning at home, surrounded by his loved ones.  He was 75.  He was also a visionary, a risk taker, a mogul, a workaholic, a family man, a decent guy and a billionaire. …