Erin Davis

The back of a woman as she stands, seemingly wondering whether to walk into the woods

Decisions, Decisions

When you were a little kid and you needed to make a decision about your life, it was simple. Do you want to go to Grandma’s house or should I turn this car around right now? Okay then, stop fighting, you two! And you and your brother stopped fighting, because you loved Grandma and she probably baked a pie. Not to mention, no one ever noticed you digging into Grandma’s candy dish, where you would eat as many dusty Humbugs as you could free from the hard, sticky ball they had become.  …

Steepness in Seattle

Seattle, Washington. Home of the Seahawks and the Mariners, the grunge music scene of the 1990s, fresh seafood that will make you moan and a long, pretty shoreline. It’s not surprising that they have tourism down to an art form. You can fly in, as we did from Victoria, via Alaska Air. You can take a ferry, as we did back to Victoria. They have light rail from the airport into downtown and bus rapid transit in the core. Uber and Lyft both operate legally alongside traditional cabs. Seattle gets it. Visitors want choices. …

Spam I Am

It’s been some time since I last shared some of my favourite spam. Spammers are getting craftier about trying to slip past the gates of my website comments and onto the live pages. They’re easily identified by their names and fake email addresses, terrible grammar and awkward phrasing. But the fake praise they pile in a heap is worth sharing!  …

Throwback Thursday – Book Launch Party

My first book was published in 2003. I really have no ties to Celebrity Tantrums anymore, and if you want to read it, I have a few dozen copies in my basement that I’d be happy to give away! I’m proud of the writing but my experience with this publisher wasn’t great. However, the book launch party was fantastic.  …