Hug me Tender

A neurologist in this city has been given a reprimand and fined $7,300. for hugging a patient.  This punishment comes from the doctors’ governing body. …

TV Drama

Have you been following the failed experiment of The Jay Leno Show at 10 pm on NBC?  The program has performed so poorly that network affiliates have demanded it be taken out of prime time.  It was named the Worst Show of the Year by several prominent entertainment writers and it really is a suckfest.  But the network is now planning to punish its late-night hosts to appease Jay.  …

My Brother and Our Differences

As you may know, my brother, my only sibling,  is on a solo motorcycle trip to South America. He has had some pretty amazing adventures through incredible scenery like active volcanos and skinny, winding roads alongside huge cliffs.  He’s not the kind of guy who stays at the Ritz and closes himself off from life.  His goal is to experience as much local colour as possible and that includes taking some gastronomical gallops through territory so far uncharted by most North American tummies.  …

Dear Santa

I know Christmas is over and I said the trip to Vegas was fine for my gift but then my pal Betty sent me this video and I decided that if this roll-up laptop really is available, I want it.  And I want it soon, big guy!  Thank you!

Slap This

Consumer Reports Magazine has conducted tests on those infomercial products that launch crazes, parodies and pop culture mockery.  And while it might not come as a surprise that a Snuggie, a Slap-Chop or a Sham-Wow doesn’t live up to the late-night hype, it’s fascinating reading about the tests they were put through.   …