Miss Sugar

Rule Breaker

Hello my little dust bunny chasers! We continue to settle into our new digs in Port Stanley. And by “we” I obviously mean that my contribution is staying out of the way. Napping in various locales. You know, same old same old.

Miss Sugar writes: Easy Peasy

Greetings my little lucky charms! We are about six weeks away from no longer being country bumpkins. Port Stanley isn’t exactly the city, but it’s got a lot less corn and a lot more people. Today I want to share with you Mother’s philosophy: If something is too difficult, it’s not meant to be. As the moth-catcher of this family, I’ll have to agree. It’s much easier to wait for the moth to come to me, than to try to go to the moth.

Getting High

Greetings, my little toe biters! Today I want to discuss something we kitties love so much: raising our perspective on the world. Life on the floor is all ankles and dust bunnies. It gets old, fast.